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Crazy Science Crafts(Years 3 to 6)

A fantastic day of creative fun and variety

£35.00 Per day

All Shine activities require attendees to be signed up and registered before booking or joining the waiting list. Click the button below to get started!


Elmlea Junior School

Bring art alive with science!

This Half Term at Shine, get ready for an exciting blend of creativity and science! Dive into hands-on activities and see how pipe cleaners turn into crystals when being dangled into a solution, a snowstorm in a jar experiment, Tie dye shrink keyrings where heat causes the drawings they've created to shrink...decorate love bug Oreos and paint stone hearts! Explore how science sparks imagination and transforms everyday materials into amazing creations. Let your curiosity lead the way.

The Shine day finishes at 3.30pm, but you can book your child to stay on at Shine until 5.55pm if you need extended childcare.  We have 2 options:

  • Late Pick Up until 4:45pm - Add on Late Pick Up when you book. Snacks are not provided but children are welcome to eat any snacks they have with them.
  • Snack & Chill from 4:45pm until 5:55pm - Add on Late Pick Up AND Snack & Chill when you book. Snacks are provided in this session. This will generally be a quieter time for children after their long holiday club day. 
Mon 17 Feb '25 - Thu 20 Feb '25
09:00 - 15:30
Early drop-off (07.45 - 9.00) and Late Pick Up (15:30 - 16:45) and Snack & Chill (16:45 - 17:55) options available
Years 3 to 6
  • Some 'old' clothes!
  • We will go outside for part of the day, so please bring a coat
  • Packed lunch, drinks and snacks for the day.  We request that you refrain from sending anything containing nuts to Shine please.
  • Water bottle 

Further Information

  • Please note we run a 48 hour refund policy at our Holiday Clubs. More information here - Terms & Conditions.
  • Shine’s professional team are first aid trained and DBS checked.
  • Your child/children must be signed out at the end of every day.

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please note our 6 daycancellation policy
MYSHINE.CO.UK | 01174 033 033
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